Using Cerner EMR For Support During COVID-19
Because of the ongoing pandemic, businesses around the world have been suffering. This is why having software providers like Cerner EMR be conscious of the situation and create resources for practices has been a huge help.
The Impact of COVID-19 On Healthcare
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic has struck the entire globe, all kinds of businesses have been impacted by the devastating financial impact, and healthcare practices are no exception to this phenomenon.
A major reason for this is that patients continue to feel unsafe or scared to visit clinics, even for life-saving and emergency procedures or treatment. In that case, there is a growing need for practices to work on building a reputation of safety and care with their patients.
Building Trust With Patients Using Cerner EMR
In the pandemic, there has been a growing concern that patients are not undergoing necessary and elective procedures even if they are impacting their health. So the question remains — how can practices make patients feel safe enough to visit the doctor?
The way that Cerner EMR has been helping during this situation is by providing hospitals and clinics with resources to help them become safer. For example, one way to build trust with patients is to make sure the on-site system at the hospital does not place visiting patients at risk of contracting the virus.
About Cerner EMR
Cerner EMR Features
Because of the pandemic, businesses have had to face major cuts in revenue generation and types of patient care.
For example, Cerner Assist has been available to practices temporarily so that they can cover any shortage in staffing with discounted help in front desk management and technical support for clients. Additionally, if you use Mobility from Cerner EMR, you can also get more users onto the software without any extra cost.
Another way that Cerner is actively working to aid with the response to COVID-19 is by reporting from the data they receive (with your consent of course) to the CDC so they can have the most updated information in order to fight the disease.
Cerner EMR Pricing
Cerner EMR pricing is set at quite an affordable rate, with you having to pay only $25 a year to access the electronic medical record software.
Cerner EMR Demo
A demo of Cerner can be accessed at any time by reaching out to the vendor. During the Cerner EMR demo, you will be able to see how the features work and can ask questions about the software to an expert.
Cerner EMR and COVID-19 Support
There is no doubt that there has been an impact on businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, businesses aren’t left out on their own with no resources or support regarding how to recover. With Cerner EMR, you still have the chance to keep your practice going strong as you embark on a battle at the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19.